A Name for the Ages

As I mentioned previously, our oldest and his wife have bestowed upon us (and others) the majestic duty of having a grandchild. After we were notified, but before this child was born, we were asked—what do you want the baby to call you?  Once upon a time it was just a single option—Grandma and Grandpa.  Those were tough times.  We couldn’t afford choices and we were too proud to ask for help in coming up with unique identifiers for our

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Web + Log= Weog?

I started blogging back before the term “blog” was a thing yet.  I blogged for me because I thought it was interesting and I had something to say…..or at least I thought I did.  At the time I had 2 small children and my wife and I were busy doing “grown-up stuff” like paying bills, looking at mortgage rates, planning our family and pretending to use the exercise equipment we owned.  I’ve written thousands of blog posts on topics like,

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Soul Brother Number One, the Godfather of Soul, the Hardest Working Man in Show Business, Mr. Dynamite, Mr. Please Please Please himself………Red Sneaker

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